Dating Advice for Men: The Dos and Donts of Online Dating Etiquette

Online dating can sometimes feel like navigating through a jungle, where instead of vines, you’re swinging from one conversation to the next, hoping not to fall into the pit of ghosting or worse, becoming a viral meme for all the wrong reasons. Fear not, intrepid online daters. As your guide through the treacherous terrain of swipes, likes, and DMs, I’m here to bestow upon you the golden rules of online dating etiquette. Buckle up, gents; we’re in for a ride that promises to boost your dating game, or at least, ensure you’re not left on read for eternity.

Do: Craft a Genuine Profile

Before diving into the convoluted world of messaging, let’s start with your digital first impression — your profile. Yes, we know you might think that photo of you holding a fish is a universal symbol of virility, but let’s try to stand out in more… innovative ways. Opt for a clear, recent photo of yourself (sans sunglasses) where you’re smiling. It might sound like your mom’s advice, but hey, it works. Include a mix of photos that showcase your interests without resembling a travel brochure.

As for your bio, balance is key. It’s not a resume nor a diary entry. Showcase your personality with a dash of humor and honesty. Remember, sarcasm is the garlic of conversation — a little adds flavor, too much kills everything.

Don’t: Be a Ghost (Or Worse, a Zombie)

Ghosting, the act of disappearing without a trace, is a no-go. If you’ve lost interest, a simple message is both courteous and appreciated. And please, for the love of all that is swipable, avoid zombing — popping back into someone’s life after ghosting them. It’s not a plot twist anyone enjoys.

Do: Pay Attention to Their Profile

Before sending a message, do your homework. Not, like, actual algebra, but take a moment to read their profile. Commenting on shared interests (which doesn’t include breathing) shows that you’re interested in more than just their looks. Openers like, “Hey,” “Hi,” and “What’s up?” are as exciting as watching paint dry. Be original, but not creepy. There’s a fine line between “I noticed we both love hiking” and “I see you enjoy hiking. I’ve tracked your last five trips.”

Don’t: Engage in Message Overkill

So you’ve sent a message and haven’t received a reply in, say, 45 seconds. Do not — I repeat — do not send follow-up messages like “Hello??”, “You there?”, or the desperate “Did my last message offend you?” Give them time to reply. People have lives outside their inbox. If they’re interested, they’ll respond. Patience is not just a virtue; it’s a necessity in online dating.

Do: Keep Conversations Balanced

The best conversations are like tennis matches; they go back and forth smoothly. You should be sharing, not monologuing. Ask questions to show you’re interested in them beyond their profile pic, but avoid turning it into an interrogation. Also, resist the temptation to over-share. The story about how you got that scar on a drunken night out might be saved for later.

Don’t: Go Negative

Avoid ranting about your exes or how much you hate online dating. Nothing screams “swipe left” louder than a profile that doubles as a soapbox for your grievances. Keep it positive. This doesn’t mean you need to pretend your life is a sunshine-and-rainbows montage, but focusing on the good can help attract others.

Do: Be Honest About Your Intentions

Whether you’re looking for a serious relationship or a casual encounter, clarity is key. Leading someone on when your goals don’t align is a recipe for disaster (and bad karma). Just be upfront and save everyone the headache.

Don’t: Misrepresent Yourself

Lying about your age, occupation, or using photos from a decade ago is like building a house on quicksand. Sure, it might stand at first, but it’s going to sink fast. Authenticity is attractive. Be yourself; everyone else is already taken (Oscar Wilde said something along those lines, and he was onto something).

Do: Pick Up After Your Digital Footprint

Last but not least, remember that privacy is key in the digital dating world. If things don’t work out, gracefully exit by unmatching if that makes you comfortable, but avoid leaving a trail of digital breadcrumbs (i.e., old messages, photos) that can come back to haunt you.

In the end, the goal of online dating isn’t just to find a match but to enjoy the journey. Keep these dos and don’ts in mind, and you’re more likely to navigate the world of online dating with success and, dare we say, finesse. Who knows, you might just find what you’re looking for, or at the very least, come out with some great stories. Happy swiping!